帖子http://www.onephysical therapyreading.co.uk/training-for-a-marathon-seven-practical-tips-to-avoid-injury(训练-马拉松-七次实践-提示-避免伤害)/“>马拉松训练:避免受伤的七个实用技巧首先出现在一次物理治疗阅读
西甲买球 万博manbetx万博多少钱能提运行https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marathon网站“target=”\u blank“rel=”noopener“>马拉松是一次美妙的体验。很多人到达终点时都觉得自己已经征服了世界。虽然马拉松训练会很有趣,但你会想采取一些预防措施。这里有7个实用的技巧可以帮助您避免受伤。
当您重新跑马拉松时,晒伤可能是毁灭性的。一定要用高浓度的防晒霜https://www.badgerbalm.com/s-30-what-is-spf-sunscreen-sun-protection-factor.aspx“target=”\u blank“rel=”noopener“>SPF防水。
使用保护乳头的产品是个明智的主意。很多跑步者都会申请网址:http://www.vaserine.us/“target=”\u blank“rel=”noopener“>凡士林和类似产品。穿能提供额外保护的衣服也是个好主意。女性应佩戴由透气材料制成的高品质运动胸罩。男人和女人都应该考虑戴上保护their nipples.
You have to be very cautious about the shoes you wear when you run a marathon. To start, you’ll want to find shoes that are supportive, especially in the area around the ankle. If you have plenty of ankle support, you’ll be less likely to twist or sprain your ankle as you run.
You also need to make sure that the shoes you wear have been broken in. You can’t wear brand new shoes when you run a marathon; you need to wear shoes that have adapted to your feet. If you run in new shoes, you’re probably going to have to deal with blisters later on.
If you wear the wrong socks while running a marathon, you could wind up developing some serious blisters. Because you’ll be running on those blisters, the blisters could wind up bursting. This can be extremely painful, and it can even lead to an infection.
You should try to find socks that will allow your feet to breathe. This will reduce your risk of blisters. You might want to seek out socks that use moisture-wick technology. Socks that are specifically designed for athletes are also a smart purchase. Make sure you wear the right socks when you go out to run.
Before you go out to run, you’ll want to warm up. You shouldn’t conserve all of your energy. You should stretch your muscles so that you’ll be a lot more limber when running the marathon.
A lot of people that sustain injuries during marathons are dehydrated. Dehydration can take a real toll on your body. It can also make it more difficult for your body to run properly. If you’re dehydrated, you’re a lot more likely to sleep at fall.
There should be plenty of places for you to refuel and grab more water as you run. Don’t worry too much about your time. Try to drink plenty of water even if you don’t think you need it. Your body is being depleted of fluids while you run; you should make sure you’re replenishing those fluids.
You need to be cautious when you are running a marathon. You’re going to be putting your body through a lot. As long as you’re willing to take the right kinds of precautions, you should be able to avoid any injuries.
Cape Town has some of the most beautiful marathons in the World including the Cape Town Marathon and famous Two Oceans Marathon. If you are thinking of traveling to do one of these amazing races make sure to book an appointment with this great physiotherapist Cape Town practise.
The Two Oceans Marathon can be very tough and hard on the knees due to the big hills both up and down. Make sure you look after yourself after the race and get your body set for recovery.
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帖子http://www.onephysical therapyreading.co.uk/treatment-and-prevention-of-acute-腘绳肌损伤/“>急性腿筋损伤的治疗和预防首先出现在http://www.onephysical therapyreading.co.uk“>一次物理治疗阅读
如果你真的认为你的腿筋受伤,您将要访问https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hamstring-injury/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20372990“target=”\u blank“rel=”noopener“>专业医师,这样您就可以得到诊断。医生要检查你的肿胀情况,并摸摸你的腿,看有没有疼痛的地方。你的医生也可能会花时间移动你的腿,看看受伤的地方在哪里。如果你有一个严重的腿筋损伤,肌肉实际上可以从骨头或撕裂,如果你有一个严重的撕裂,你将需要积极的治疗。
If your leg is swelling, you can use a compression bandage to stop the swelling. When you are resting make sure that you elevate your leg as this will help to reduce the swelling. You can also take pain medication if you are experiencing a lot of pain and the medication will also reduce the swelling. You should start to see relief in a few days and you can gradually return to your normal activity level. Don’t participate in intense sports until your leg is fully healed. If you are not getting any relief from home treatments you will want to go back to the doctor and get additional treatment. Hamstring injuries are painful, but most of them go away on their own.
The post Treatment And Prevention Of Acute Hamstring Injuries appeared first on One Physiotherapy Reading.
贴子//www.evsmithlaw.com/what-is-the-臀大肌-medius-and-why-is-it-so-essential-for-my-running/“>臀中肌是什么?为什么它对我的跑步如此重要?首先出现在http://www.onephysical therapyreading.co.uk“>一次物理治疗阅读
manbetx万博多少钱能提那些已经采取基本解剖结构类可能熟悉臀中。对于那些谁没有,这是大多数美国人,这个奇怪的冠冕堂皇的肌肉听起来完全陌生的。虽然臀中肌有一个奇怪的名字,它是起着人类如何运行一个举足轻重的角色非常重要的肌肉。If you’re a runner and are interested in finding out more about this special muscle, continue reading.
The gluteus medius is one component of a group of three gluteal muscles that are important in supporting the striding motion of running. Each and every step a runner makes is supported by this essential muscle. Thus, it makes sense that if you’re an avid runner, it will certainly pay dividends if you better understand how this muscle works.
One of the most important functions of the gluteus medius is that it helps to flex and internally rotate parts of the hip. As you can probably tell, the hip is constantly being flexed and moved during running. Lots of runners that have problems with their joints, usually find out that it is caused by their hip being injured. Hence, the gluteus medius is a vital component to the hips and without it, running properly wouldn’t be possible.
The muscle can be seen as one of the key supporting muscles for the hips as it flexes during running. Depending on how strong the gluteus medius, it is able to withstand high levels of force and allow the hip to continue flexing in an efficient manner. Runners that have a weak gluteus medius will find that they aren’t able to run for prolonged periods of time without their hips starting to hurt. If the gluteal muscles are weak or tired, then they will become inefficient in their functioning, leading to other parts of the body, usually the hips, to become compromised during running.
Furthermore, the gluteus medius plays another vital role in running as it is essential in the process of extension and rotation of the hip. When a runner runs up a hill or goes on a down-slope, they often have to extend their hips in order to make up for the shift in weight throughout the body. The hips bear a lot of this extension of weight and are supported by the essential three gluteal muscles. Hence, certain runners that have trouble going up and down hills may often find that it could be due to the fact that they have weak gluteal muscles that can’t support their hips during the process.
Stabilization of the hips is also another function of the gluteal muscles that ensure that injuries and strains don’t occur during running. As a runner is constantly running on the pavement, each and every step jolts a huge amount of pressure upwards towards the body. This is especially true for heavier runners who are putting huge pressures on their joints and back with each running step. Hence, stabilization is very important in these scenarios as it ensures that the hips maintain in an optimal position are able to continue withstanding various degrees of force.
Simply ways improving gluteal muscle performance during running is to simply stretch them beforehand. In addition, various workouts are able to strengthen these muscles and help them be more effective during a given running session.
Although many runners don’t know about the gluteus medius muscle, it’s a vital component to running. By better understanding what exactly this muscle does, runners will be able to make adjustments to their routine, such as through added stretches, to reinforce these muscles. Runners that have strong gluteal muscles almost always perform better than runners that don’t.
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帖子http://www.onephysical therapyreading.co.uk/5-most-common-happing-injuries-and-how-to-prevent-them/“>5种最常见的徒步旅行伤害以及如何预防首先出现在一次物理治疗阅读
当天气暖和时,您会记得多喝水。然而,当你在寒冷中徒步旅行时,这将更难记住mber. You should also look at stretching before your hike as this will reduce the chances of cramping.
While some people do not see bug bites as an injury, they can cause a lot of discomfort and irritation. When you hike, you are susceptible to bug bites from gnats to mosquitoes. The best way to prevent bites will be to have a layer of clothing between your skin and the bugs.
There are a lot of repellents on the market that you can also look at which help. You should look for natural repellents and combine this with protective clothing. It is important to note that there are times when you cannot avoid these bites and you should use some calamine lotion to sooth the bug bites.
When people think about chaffing, they often think about their legs, but it is possible to chafe in other areas when you are hiking. The preventative steps that you should take will vary depending on where you commonly chafe. If you chafe between the legs, you need to consider active underwear that you have on over your cotton underwear.
Active underwear will generally be wool or synthetic nylon which will help prevent chaffing. If you chafe on your back where your bag rests, you need to consider if you have the right equipment. You need to ensure that your backpack sits correctly on your back and that you are not carrying too much weight. Getting your backpack fitted is important if you are going to be completing long hikes.
The post 5 Most Common Hiking Injuries And How To Prevent Them appeared first on One Physiotherapy Reading.